Availability: Out of stock

Photo and Description Credit - Territorial Seed Company

The dark centers of Red Sun’s 5–6 inch flowers are surrounded by glorious warm bronze-maroon petals that are yellow at the base. The plants are 5 ½–6 feet tall with 10 or more buds per plant. These are exceptional cut flowers with long stems, lasting up to 10 days in the vase. Approximately 20 seeds per gram.

More Information

Soil Temp for Germ 60–75°F
Seed Depth ½"
Seed Spacing 3–4"
Days to Emergence 7–14
Thin Plants to 12–18"
Row Spacing 30"

Helianthus annuus

Germination Codes
Given at the end of each description to give you specific information.
(1) Germination occurs between 70-85°F and within 6-15 days. Sow indoors and cover lightly.
(2) Needs a period of pre-chilling. Mix seeds with moistened peat moss and place in plastic bag. Seal and place bag in an area where the temperature is around 60°F for 2-3 days. Then place in the refrigerator for 30-90 days. After pre-chilling, place seed on sterile seedling mix and cover lightly. Germination may take up to 30 days.
(3) Needs darkness to germinate. Remove cover as soon as germination occurs.
(4) Direct sow in the garden as soon as the soil warms to at least 55°F.
(5) Germination may be slow and erratic. A fluctuating temperature of 75°F during the day and 50°F at night may help.
(6) Needs at least 12 hours of light per day to germinate. Press into the medium but do not cover. Keep moist.
Note: For those varieties that indicate a (1) or (6), a very light covering of vermiculite will allow adequate light to the seed and keep it uniformly moist.

Direct Sowing
• To promote deep roots and strong stems, water deeply but infrequently
• One to two cups of TSC's Complete fertilizer per 10 row feet in the spring is adequate for the year
• Germination code: (4)

Insects & Diseases
• Common insects: Cutworms and weevils
• Insect control: Pyrethrin
• Common pests: Birds
• Pest control: BirdBlock Netting or flash tape
• Note: Avoid wetting foliage to prevent rust

Harvest & Storage
• Cut flowers in the morning just after they open
• Use a clean knife, a clean vase, and a few drops of chlorine bleach in the water
• Cutting the mature central flower head will promote side-shoot flower production
• Harvest the heads when the bracts begin to shrivel, and hang the flowers upside down in a barn or shed
• For seed-eating gardeners, gray and white striped sunflower seeds are the best choice
• Salting: When dry, rub the seeds off the heads and soak overnight in 1 gallon of water with 1 cup of salt added, drain, and dry in a 250°F oven for 4-5 hours and store in an airtight container

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