Olive Egger Chicken P 4-17-25 NEW Experimental Phase

Availability: Out of stock

Photo credit The Silver Homestead

Description Credit Dunlap Hatchery

*OUT OF STOCK will show until they arrive.  Call or email to RESERVE your chicks

These chicks are flown direct to Homer so they arrive at our store between 24 and 36 hours after hatch, compared with the 60-72 hours through the post office.  This gives them a much higher survival rate.

Sold as 1-5 day old chicks

Due to popular demand, we at Dunlaps’ are introducing our own line of olive egg laying chicken. The cross we will be using for the 2025 season is French Black Copper Marans and Cream Legbars. This cross is considered an F1 hybrid, meaning all eggs laid will be a lighter, sometimes speckled olive egg. You can expect around 200+ eggs a year from this pairing. Chicks will be sex-linked meaning day old chicks will be able to be sexed at close to 100% accuracy. The exact feather plumage is unknown at this time, but you can expect a mixture of black and/or brown color patterns. The exact temperament of this cross is undetermined, but we at Dunlaps’ will keep them under close observation and have updates available for the coming year. Dunlaps’ appreciate the understanding while we’re in the experimental phase.

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