Helleborus 'French Kiss' #1

Availability: In stock (9)

Photo and Description Credit: Walters Gardens

Available in April

Common Name: Lenten Rose

You’ve enjoyed the double-flowered Hellebores of the WEDDING PARTY™ series, try the equally lovely single-flowered selections of the HONEYMOON® Series from Walters Gardens, Inc. hybridizer Hans Hansen. In his breeding work, he selects for plants with notable vigor, showy floral displays with large numbers of blossoms per plant, and rich flower colors. 

Helleborus 'French Kiss' has 3-3½”, single white flowers lined with raspberry pink that veins in toward the center of the petals.

Hellebores are the harbingers of spring, blooming for six weeks or more beginning in late winter.  They are often flowering during the Christian season of Lent, from which they get their common name, Lenten Rose.  This is the perfect plant for naturalizing in moist, woodland areas where its extensive root system will spread as far as it is allowed.

Hellebores are enjoyable to grow because they are low-maintenance and disease/pest-free. Simply trim back last year's foliage in the spring. They can adapt to almost any growing conditions. Though they prefer rich, moist, organic soil, they will also grow in sandy or clay soil. They can even tolerate short periods of drought. The soil pH can range anywhere from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline.

Hellebores are shade plants that need to be protected from the hot afternoon sun. They will grow in full shade under large deciduous trees as long as they receive full sun from winter to spring before the trees get their leaves.

To increase the number of hellebores in your garden, mulch them heavily in the fall. The new seedlings will grow in this mulch come spring and can then be transplanted elsewhere in the garden.

WARNING: Hellebores are poisonous. Do not consume any part of the plant!

Zone 4-9

Height 18-24 inches

Space 18-24 inch

Partial -Full Sun

Salt Tolerant

Attracts Butterflies and Bees

Moose and Rabbit resistant

Focal Point or Specimen plant, Cut Flower and Foliage,  Mass Planting, Borders

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