Grizzly Salmon Oil Dogs 16oz

Availability: In stock (5)
  • Grizzly Salmon Oil Uses Only Certified Wild-Caught Alaskan Salmon that Spent their Entire Lives Foraging on a Natural, Nutrient-Rich Diet. Every Batch is Tested for Omega-3 Content. Why is it Important to Use Only Wild Caught Salmon? It Takes up to 40% More Farmed Salmon Oil to Receive the Same Omega-3 Content as Wild-Caught Salmon Oil. That is 40% More Servings, Calories, and Product to Purchase.
  • HELPS SUPPORT Your Dog’s Skin and Coat, Immune System, Heart, Organ and Eye Health, Cognition, Vision, Fertility, and Nerve-Based Functions. Contains a Balanced Blend of Valuable Omega-3 Fatty Acids EPA and DHA (Much Higher Immediate Bioavailability than Plant Sources), Inherent Antioxidants, and Vitamins that Naturally Occur in the Salmon. Will Not Interfere with Your Dog’s Intake of Vitamins from other Sources.
  • FEEDING. Simply Serve the Salmon Oil Over Your Dog’s Food. Each Bottle is Equipped with a Medical-Grade Pump to Ensure an Air-Tight Seal and an Exact Measurement of 0.4 Teaspoons (2.0 ml). See Product Images for Serving Suggestions.
  • SUSTAINABLE SOLUTION. No Fish is Caught to Make Oil. Grizzly Salmon Oil is a Co-Product of High-Quality Salmon Products for Humans, So More of the Fish is Utilized and for Our Pets! HOW DID WE DO THIS? We’ve Built Partnerships with Human-Grade Fish-Processing Plants in Alaska and Built Our Own Facilities Practically Next-Door. It is then Sent to Grizzly Headquarters in Woodinville, WA. Every Batch is 3rd Party Tested and Analyzed Before it is Bottled.
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