Golden Sex-Link P 4-03-25

Availability: Out of stock

Photo and Description Credit Dunlap Hatchery

*OUT OF STOCK will show until they arrive.  Call or email to RESERVE your chicks

These chicks are flown direct to Homer so they arrive at our store between 24 and 36 hours after hatch, compared with the 60-72 hours through the post office.  This gives them a much higher survival rate.

Sold as 1-5 day old chicks

This is our best brown egg layer. Imported originally from the Netherlands, this strain is used in over 60 countries worldwide. Capable of laying over 300 strong shelled eggs per year, the Golden Sex Link also known as the Bovan Brown is a very hearty bird that can withstand cold temperatures. When hatched, the males are a creamy white with the females colored in shades of red.

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